5303 Madison Avenue
Bethel Park, PA 15102
There is a directions link for you to follow to get directions to our church. If you have any difficulty locating us, please call (412) 835-9221. Our building is across the street from the Bethel Park Community Center, just up the street from well-known restaurant Pasta Too, and around the corner from the famous Bethel Bakery. When you arrive, there is a parking lot just across the street from the church. Please park there and come right in through the main front doors into the sanctuary.
If you are coming to the church midweek for a meeting, please park in the church lot and take the sidewalk to the left of the main entrance to the beige doors. There is a doorbell to ring if the door is locked. Signage is posted in and around the church property to assist you.
We're conveniently located at the intersection of South Park Road and Madison Ave.
5303 Madison Avenue
Bethel Park, PA 15102
If you are visiting us for the first time for Sunday worship, you will likely see many new faces! Expect that the people you meet will be friendly and interested to know you. You will be greeted at the door and someone will present you with a church bulletin. As a visitor, you will also receive a welcome packet to enjoy after the service.
People who are friends and members of Bethany Lutheran Church come from a diversity of backgrounds. There are men, women, and children who range from 0-100 years old, representing a variety of races, cultures, orientations, religious backgrounds, interests, careers, and spiritual gifts. The people at Bethany understand themselves to be forgiven and loved children of God. We don’t profess ourselves to be perfect or on the road to perfection. We gather in the name of God who created and loved us first, strive to live according to our Christian faith, and seek to live with God’s posture of love toward one another. All people are welcome at this church, including you.
After you have received the bulletin and Visitor Welcome Packet, please enter the sanctuary and find a seat; you may sit anywhere you find space. The service begins with announcements from the front. We will publicly welcome you, but we will never ask you to publicly identify yourself. At the 10:30 AM service, the announcements are followed by a Call to Worship, which is an opening hymn to gather everyone into a time of worship.
The entire service is conveniently printed in your bulletin with the exception of hymns. When we sing hymns, we use the red hymnals as found in the pew (church seating). If you have any questions about the service or find that you aren’t sure where we are in the worship service, please feel free to ask someone nearby. Members and friends of Bethany Lutheran Church are excited to receive visitors like you and are glad to assist you with questions!
People at Bethany Lutheran Church attend worship in a variety of different attire. Many wear their “Sunday best,” including shirt and tie, suits, and dresses, and others choose to wear more casual clothing such as jeans. During football season it is normal to see members in their “Steeler best,” sporting jerseys with a favorite team member! Know that you are welcome however you arrive.
Do I have to give money to the church?
No. You are a guest of our congregation, and we are glad to have you with us. You are not obligated to provide an offering. If you feel moved to contribute to our ministries at Bethany, we are simply grateful to receive your gifts.
Yes. Bethany Lutheran Church offers Holy Communion to those who believe that Jesus Christ is present in the bread and wine and who are baptized.
Those who do not believe in the presence of Jesus Christ, are not yet baptized, or are unable for other reasons to receive Holy Communion from our table are invited forward to receive a blessing, because Bethany’s altar is God’s table and all are welcomed.
Children of all ages are welcome in worship! Bringing children into worship is similar to bringing them to the dinner table: their manners aren’t sophisticated, there may be noise and things spread out on and under the seat, but over time and with practice, children learn how to participate like their older family members. We welcome active, wiggly children in our worship space.
Children of all ages are full of energy, questions, and have shorter attention spans. Worship is an excellent place to put some of that energy to work! They can sing and pray with us, they can learn stories from the Bible, and can also practice movement with their bodies, such as making the sign of the cross, bowing, kneeling, and so on. Even though they may not participate in exactly the same way as adults, by simply being there and practicing, children learn that they are important, baptized members of the Christian church.
Sometimes children are only able to participate in worship for brief periods of time. If your child(ren) needs a break from worship, or if you need space to worship on your own, a free nursery is available for your use. We ask that you please accompany and supervise your little ones in the nursery.
our goal:
Worship God | Serve Others | Follow Jesus