5303 Madison Avenue
Bethel Park, PA 15102
Bethany Lutheran Church’s Prayer Chain includes members and friends who believe in the power of prayer. When the need and desire for prayers emerge in times of joy, pain, sickness, grief, and the many circumstances that we face which need God’s attention, our congregation contacts the chair of the Prayer Chain, Ms. Terry Simony. Once notified, Terry notifies members of the Prayer Chain and the need travels by way of email and telephone. Prayer requests are passed along to the members of the Prayer Chain until all have been contacted and all our prayers are heard by one another and by our Father in heaven.
When you have a prayer request or would like to be included in the Prayer Chain, please contact Ms. Terry Simony via the church office at 412-835-9221 or via email at admin@blcbp.org.
Bethany Lutheran Church sponsors a Meal Ministry, chaired by our Minister of Meals, Ms. Cathy Irwin. When a member becomes aware of someone in need of meals for any reason (examples may include, but not limited to: sickness, death in family, new baby), Cathy Irwin is contacted and members who have signed up to assist in this ministry will either make and deliver the meal, or call Cathy to make the other arrangements for pick-up and delivery. If you need a meal, know someone else who would benefit from this ministry, or would like to be included on the list of those available for call when meals are needed, please contact please contact Ms. Cathy Irwin via the church office at 412-835-9221 or via email at admin@blcbp.org.
Pastor Elizabeth Mayforth or lay people visit those who cannot regularly attend church due to health or mobility reasons with Holy Communion. If you would like to be on this list, please contact Pastor Mayforth at (412) 835-9221 at the church office. In the case that you or someone you know is ill, injured, hospitalized, facing a procedure, suffering, etc., please contact the Pastor for a visit.
The Pastor is also available to bless newborns before they leave the hospital and is also glad to visit as you desire a faithful social connection.
our goal:
Worship God | Serve Others | Follow Jesus